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Art Books and Chess Set | 2016 - 2017

Artist Statement

Art Books

As an Artist it’s always refreshing to explore a new space. Making books came as an exciting project and before I could blink there I was tearing paper and creating this new space . Paper books in sculptural formations providing 3D corners to turn around on and come back to the same spot got into action. Amal Allana from Art Heritage came up with this new plan for us and wow what a plan! After finishing the first one there was no stopping till the fourth!

White lines flowed along on a black surface and felt as if they were appearing out of the void. These lines running in never ending zen tangled formations just kept appearing on the surface of the paper representing the life force in its endless motion.

For the words in the books I am in deep gratitude to our sages for their insights into the question of our existence. The non duality of existence as they point to, where the universe and the physical are one in this timeless space. The physical comes and goes and has a beginning and an end whereas the universe is the timeless one which holds the birth and death of the physical.

The freedom from the fear of birth and death releases all tension while in the physical space and the joy and peace of the eternal is felt as there is no separation .

I am grateful to my Master Mooji for bringing me home to this freedom with his pointings. I have taken the liberty to quote his crystal-clear words in these books as well as sages like Rumi , Ramanna Maharishi and Hafeez.


I express deep gratitude and dedicate these books to the timeless ‘ONE ‘.

Editions of these books are available with Art Heritage Gallery, New Delhi.

Chess Set

An interesting sculptural project came along when Sharan Apparao, Director of Apparao Galleries Chennai, asked me to design a chess set based on my work for an exhibition which she curated.

Chess for Peace came to my mind as a concept and I designed the pieces as two sets, one as figures in meditation playing along with the other as prayer stones. These pieces are cast in aluminium and the chess board is a hand painted canvas. An edition of this set is available.

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